31 octobre 2011

moving forward.

i spent the day yesterday doing a load of research and decision making about uni and gap year options and things that inspire me etc. although that may sound boring to most, it was actually a really enjoyable day, i love research and i feel a lot more on track now, i'm more confident about where i'm headed. i've decided that i'm going to take a year out after my foundation, to work and travel and complete some short courses, i then want to apply for jewellery design BA. would sound to most that know me like a massive change of heart as i've always been set on styling/ creative direction, who knows, i may still end up doing styling once i've graduated but i 've definitely got my heart set on doing my degree in jewellery design. i know it's something that i'll really enjoy and i feel i can fully apply my love for reasearch, illustration and intricacy. feeling quite excited and passionate about it to be honest. plus, the prospect of a gap year is pretty exciting, starting looking into it this evening, there are so many different things i could do, spoilt for choice really.

source; bleachblack, elleuk, pamela love, feliks and adrik, tumblr, wikipedia

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