24 juillet 2011

life is good..

i have a lot of love for russel brand :) i watched his latest film 'arthur' the other day, it's fantastic. probably the only remake of a classic, other than alfie, that i've actually appreciated :) jude law and russel were obviously key factors in that appreciation..

haven't posted for quite a long time, ive been at summer school - aha, massive nerd alert. i had this 2 week drawing course that was an optional ting as part of my uni course next year. was definitely worth it for meeting all of the amazing people on my course, definitely gonna be a brilliant year!

i don't think i am gonna post for quite some time yet, maybe a month or so. i am just trying to sort my life out atm, get some art done and enjoy my last proper summer at home :D and i'm hopefully going to get a job. so i'll be really busy. - to anyone that does check my blog, i hope you bare with me and continue to follow upon my return, ehehe :D happy blogging people, nuff love! xo


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